Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Some of your questions answered

When was the website set up

Prehistoric Waterford was launched in February 2010

Have you visited all the monuments listed on the site

Yes, I have had the privilege and pleasure of visiting them all

How long do you spend at each site

A minimum of 30 mins, sometimes much longer

Have you ever been refused access to a monument


What is your favourite monument/location

Quite a few, but Pickardstown, Curraghmore, Knockanaffrin and Glennafallia would be on my list



Do you revisit monuments

Yes - occasionally, to get some new images

Do you take people on Guided Tours of monuments


Have you had any "experiences" when visiting monuments

Yes – being stared in the eye by a bull just 15 metres away

Are you superstitious

No, but I do respect that the stones may have certain powers

Can I submit material to the website

Yes, submissions of writing, photos, sketches etc. are welcome. Credits will be given

Can I use the website’s 'News' section to highlight upcoming events etc.

Yes, if they have some relevance to Irish Archaeology, Tourism, Heritage,  or Waterford county



Can I download and use photos from the website

No, not without permission and strictly not for any commercial use or monetary gain.

Does the website generate any form of income


No - the website is in no way commercially orientated. All its content is provided purely for reference.

What are the future goals for the website

To increase the number of visitors to the site by keeping the content as interesting and informative as possible.

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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

Read about Here


Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


 Monument Guide

Types of Monument on this website



 Main website image  

The White Lady, Ballymacaw



Most Visited  Page in Last 30 Days







 Website last updated 

14 July 2018



 'Stumbled On'

Check out some recent finds




Map of Waterford

showing major monuments




